Sharon Secure App: Ultimate Solution to Verify Authenticity

Sharon Secure - SharonPly

Quality Assurance is something that every individual needs to have when they are buying any product or service. SharonPly is among some of the reputed companies that assure quality in all the products sold and offer easy downloading of warranty certificates.

Plywood is a critical element of every building, residential or commercial. Along with bricks, plywood is literally one of the building blocks of the construction industry. Putting quality at the forefront of its values, SharonPly today offers the Sharon Secure App: The ultimate solution to verify the authenticity of the plywood purchased.

Know more about Sharon Secure App

As a top and reputed brand, SharonPly thrives in providing the Best Plywood available across the market. With such a claim, ensuring the quality of the plywood is not duplicated by fraudsters in the market is challenging. More so, the reputation of such major brands comes under the scanner and eventually opens up trust issues. SharonPly has developed a plan that assures all buyers of the safety and quality assurance part of the Sharon Secure App.

Sharon Secure App is the official app developed by SharonPly that promises and differentiates if plywood is approved of the standard quality claimed by the company. The app offers a QR scanner, which anyone can download and scan on the plywood. Within a few seconds, the users would receive confirmation whether the plywood is a genuine product from SharonPly or a counterfeit product.

So, whether you are an architect, contractor, or an end-user, the Sharon Secure App gives you peace of mind while purchasing plywood.

How does the Sharon Secure App work?

Sharon Secure App is available both in the Play Store for Android / App Store for iOS. Users can download the app right away, and here are the steps on how to use it:

  • Search for Sharon Secure App in either of the app stores and click to download the app.
  • All first-time users must create a profile and register with the Sharon Secure portal. Those who already have a profile, can directly login to their profiles using their previously created credentials and start using the app.
  • After logging in to the profile, find out the SCAN QR option available in the app.
  • Using the QR Code scanner, scan the code mentioned in the wood’s tag or manually type the number as written just beneath the QR code.
  • Within a few seconds, users will know if the product is verified or not. This barely takes time and comes from the official server of SharonPly.
  • Users can separately download the E-warranty certificate from the app portal. This can be used in future use cases.

  • Download the Sharon Secure app from your App Store/Play store.
  • First-time users need to create an account. If you have already created one, use your login credentials to start using the app.
  • Once logged in, locate the SCAN QR code in the app
  • Scan the QR code through the scanner or manually upload the code into the app, and the verification will be shown on the screen instantly.
  • You can also download the E-warranty certificate.

Closing words

Sharon Secure App is a positive initiative by SharonPly. The company has maintained a legacy for many years today. However, with the rise of counterfeit products in the market, this called out for action and SharonPly thankfully came up with this idea. In the end, this could surely put an end to counterfeit products selling in the market.

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